Monday, August 29, 2011

Don't be Boxed In

Just the other day I heard a man very dear to my heart say to me, "Dena stop letting people box you in."  What do you mean I asked?  He said, "Time after time I hear you speaking of your dreams and places you want to go, but at the same time you say you can't do this or that because someone else is depending on you for this and that and that too.  God gave you something to do...DO IT!"  Hmmm! 

That conversation has not left my heart or mind.  At the time, I didn't admit it but now I can say true, so true.  Year after year I say what I want to accomplish in that year or some task I would like to start.  Then somewhere along the way, things start happening, mostly other people things and I throw the things I want to accomplish on the back burner while helping or should I say enabling someone else with their problem.

Today I have to say stop.  I have to stop letting others box me in.  I have to go after my dreams.  These dreams where given to me for a reason and I surely would hate to see them all go down the drain because I was boxed in. 

Don't be boxed in.  If God has given you a dream, pray about it, listen to God speak about it and get on your way to living it.

SN: In the conversation with the man, he was not telling me not to help others; he was telling me not to let my dream die in the process of helping others.  He also said I can't save everyone but God can!

May God Continue to Bless us All!