Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Take the focus off self

Yesterday I was having one hell of a day.  I'm suffering from serious sinus pressure that has me not wanting to open my eyes, the nonsense on public transportation, work, life, and I could go on and on and on. Let just say by the time I made it home, I was overcooked, overdone, and burnt! 

The phone rang, it was my sister-in-law crying out for help.  Sigh.  I said come on over and in a flash she was there.  I listened, she talked.  I gave an opinion, she talked.  I silently prayed, she talked.  By the end I sat wide-eyed, she cried.

Her heart was heavy.  Her voice full of weary.  A woman at her wits end.  I truly understand that feeling.  As I sat there listening, praying, talking, I realized something; my problems seemed long gone!  WOW!  Look at God.  At that moment God was using me to help and minister to her and He was helping and ministering to me. 

My focus was removed from self and put on someone else.  Shouldn't that be one of our main goals?  Aren't we called to be servants?  How can we effectually serve if the focus is always on self? 

Take some time to minister/help someone else and watch God minister/help you in the process; your problems will seem to get smaller and smaller.  Take the focus off self for a minute...It really does help!

May God Continue to Bless Us All!


1 comment:

  1. This is a comment from Shon Roy...
    For some reason I can’t comment on the blogspot anymore. Anyway, Love it! God is so good….Just when we think we have nothing left to offer (because we’re overdone) we find out that it’s not us anyway it’s ALL Him. He just needs a willing vessel.
