Thursday, September 22, 2011

Goodbye Fear

Hello Fear is the name of Kirk Franklin's latest CD.  I was listening to the song titled Hello Fear on the train ride in to work this morning when I had the biggest breakthrough.  I have lived a very big portion of my life in fear.

People wouldn't know it by looking at me, but fear has dictated a major part of my every being.  It started as a child.  My mom would get angry at me for whatever foolish thing I had done and would tell me that I would never be anything and no good like my biological father.  Those very hurtful words put fear in me that would last for a very long time.  I believed those words!

When things in my life became a little shaky or overwhelming, I would run in fear of failing.  When I would become weary, I would give up in fear of pressing on.  I experimented with drugs to fit in with certain crowds in fear of being rejected.  I gave my body away in fear of not being loved.  I stayed on a job I hated because my mama and granny said it was a good job in fear of not disappointing them.  I was afraid to start this blog and let my life be a testimony to others to help them in fear of what others would think of me and shun me.  Fear, fear, fear.

I'm very happy to say that fear no longer lives inside of me.  God has now replaced the fear with love, grace, and mercy.  God's word tell me that I can do all things through Christ Jesus that strengthens me. Philipians 4:13 God has me.  Even though I walk through a dark valley, I will fear no evil. God has me.  God will never leave me or forsake me.  God has me.  There will be times that I will feel alone, afraid, wonder about the what's next, what ifs, etc, but grace and mercy abounds all the more and erases all the fear.  God has me! 

I have learned that people act out negatively from fear.  They do destructive things to themselves out of fear.  Fear is not of God.  The only fear we should have is the fear of the Lord and that is a good fear.  That fear should be that we reverently, a feeling of deep love & respect, worship the Lord. 

Let's put fear behind us.  Let's seek God and move forward in a more positive, graceful manner.  With fear behind me, I plan to do what I can with what I have to build up the Kingdom.  God has me and He can have you to!

May God Continue to Bless Us All!

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