Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Have you lost your sense?

Today my morning devotion was on Luke 15:11-24, The Parable of the Lost Son. I have read or heard this story many, many times in my life but today verse 17 hit me hard. The verse reads, 17 “When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even the hired servants have food enough to spare, and here I am dying of hunger! (New Living Translation)

When he finally came to his senses…mmm hmm! I have been a fool quite a few times in my life. There were times no one could tell me anything and like the lost son, just give me what I want and let me be was my attitude. I had family trying to talk some sense into me with the wisdom they had but I wasn’t hearing any of that. So after they had had enough, they let me go. Go I went and fell I did. I fell hard.

After years of roaming in what seem like a circle I came to my senses! I began to recollect the words of wisdom that was spoken over me. I began to realize I was a lost child that needed to find her way back home. Most importantly, I knew I had lost my mind and that common sense that my grandmother said I had to have to make it in this world.

Have you lost your mind? Are you not using the “good sense” God gave you? Take it from a girl who wasted a lot of years without her sense, God will restore and repair. There is one very important part to Him restoring, you have to want it. How bad do you want your sense back?

Love ya. Be encouraged. From an empty vessel - LaDena

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