Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I'm amazed how I have become more aware of the words that come out of my mouth. For example, a co-worker saw me today and said, "LaDena when I see you, you look like you have all the money in the world." Without thinking I said, "thank you but I don't have a dime."
As soon as those words left my mouth, the Lord shook me and said you won't have a dime with those words and attitude. WOW!
I have been in great prayer for a long time (seems like forever) that God would help me to change the words that spill forth from my mouth. I realized that a lot of my problems and mishaps were all caused by me and the words I spoke. WOW!
I was a chronic complainer, a chronic finger-pointer, and a chronic put-myself-in-a-depressed-state! Boy, oh boy could I put myself in a depressed state just by constantly saying I'm depressed...LOL...now I can laugh about it but before I could only cry. Plus to be all those things were so tiring. Whew, I was
T I R E D!
So I begin to cry out to the Lord; Lord please help me with the words that come from my mouth. Lord show me how to pay attention to what is coming out of my moth.  It has taken some time, plenty of slip-ups, but I can see God working IN my mouth. Thank you Father.
Proverbs 16:24 reads, Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. YEEESSSS! I need sweetness for my soul and health for my bones. I need pleasant words for myself and pleasant words to give. So, Lord, please help this ole'girl with her words! What about you? Are you watching your words?

From my heart to yours.
Words of encouragement.


  1. I am working on what comes out of my mouth. Here's a bit of help with it though. Try starting off your sentences or responses with who He is and who you are in Him, I AM ______!!!. Be blessed, Belinda

  2. Great observation. I think this is something we all need to be more aware of and work on within ourselves.

  3. I am so proud to hear that you are movinf forward and conquering that mighty thing we call tongue. I myself have not been able to do that and I fight with myself continuously about this ole tongue of mine. I'm determined to spit forth blessing out of this mouth. Truly a work in progress.
