Saturday, May 7, 2011


This word is heavy on my spirit this morning.  It seems that all week I have been talking to others that have been dealing with others and their manipulative ways. describes manipulative as influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for one’s own purposes.  Hmm mmm thats heavy right there.

Now for me, I take the manipulative person to be a deceiver; a person that is attempting to lead someone in the wrong direction.  The Bible has many, and I do mean many, verses on deceive, being deceived, and how to not be deceived. 

The first verse that hit me this morning when talking to a young lady about the person she is dealing with was Ephesians 5: 6a; Let no one deceive you with empty words.  Empty words meaning those words hold no ground against what God has said.  I went on to tell her to pray and learn to listen to God and He will surely tell her if the words coming from the other person are empty.  When you have the Word in you, I promise you can stand on those Words and the manipulative person can't win.

We also have to pray for the manipulator because those are some ugly ways to have.  Those ways really lead to destruction.  It may be good to them for a while, but in the end there is no good in that.

So for all that are dealing with some manipulative, deceiving people today put that Word in you, put on the Whole Armor and Stand! 

Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers and may God Bless us all!


  1. Love your post LaDena! You always come up with some good ones. I know a few manipulative people as well, but I tend to distance myself from those people, but I continue to treat them nice and pray for them. Prayer can cure all things. Thanks for the inspiration beautiful lady!

  2. You are welcome and thank you for stopping by. I must correct you on one thing...I don't always come up with these posts, my encounters from others help.
