Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sometimes I want to go back

I was outside taking my 15 walk break from work.  I walked under a tree that smelled and looked just like a tree we had in our yard on Marfa Ave.  I could have sat down right there, stayed all day, and reminisced.

That tree and smell made me think about how I miss being a kid.  It made me think about my mama washing the clothes every day before she woke me and made me hang them out on the line.  My sisters where spared this chore because they were so young and by the time they got old enough, daddy had already bought a dryer to go with the washer...lucky devils.  Oh how I hated my mama for waking me up to put our panties out on that line for the world to see!  Now I wish I could go back.

That tree made me think about the silly jokes that the Powell brothers used to tell and I would laugh until my sides hurt.  I thought about how Kendra and I would play hopscotch into the wee hours of the night not worrying about if someone would come by and snatch us up.  We were safe on Marfa Ave.  Trust someone was watching us...they were watching us for good not to harm us.

That tree made me think about family.  On Marfa Ave, we were a family.  It didn't matter that we didn't have the same blood running in our veins, we had love for each other that no one could touch.  Now I really wish I could go back.  Neighbors don't have that love anymore.  Everyone stay to themselves afraid of what will be done or said.  On Marfa we didn't care, everything was our business because we were a family.

I wanna go back so I can have more of Ms. Mitchell's tea cakes.  I wanna go back so I can go to church more with the Powells and listen to Terry jam my favorite song in his Mustang.  I wanna go back so I can hang out more clothes with my mama because now I know that was some mother and daughter time.  I just wanna go back!

Whatever memories you have hidden in your heart, hold dear to them.  Maybe one day you will see and smell a tree that reminds you of them days and make you want to go back for it is good to smile on those sweet memories.

May God continue to Bless us all.

1 comment:

  1. Memories are meant to be treasured. Thanks for sharing!!
