Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have a friend that has been saying "I'm transforming" for almost a year now.  So I asked her, "how much transforming do you plan to do and will I be able to recognize you after all of this transforming?"  Her answer was "yes you will be able to recognize me, I'll just be a better me." 

Dena being Dena had to go to the dictionary and look up the meaning of transform.   Webster's states transform, verb, to change the form or appearance of; 2 to change the condition, nature, or function of.  Interesting.  So my friend is changing the form or appearance of herself?  Maybe she is changing the condition, nature, or function of something? 

When I think of transform, I associate it with renewing because my biblical mind kicks in.  Webster's define renewing as to make new or fresh again; 2 to reestablish; revive.  In the bible Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

When a person makes a decision to transform they want to change something.  Does the person want to change the outer condition, nature or is the person looking, attempting to renew their mind?  In my opinion I believe a person should renew their mind and the transformation will follow.  If you change what is going on in the mind; thoughts coming in and going out, images, sounds, etc, transformation will begin to take place on the outside.  People will look at you and know that you are transforming and you will not have to tell them.

I'm excited to know that my friend wants to be a better person.  We should all strive for that at all times.  I'm also excited to know that my friend recognized that she needed to be a better person.  That is the hardest part for a lot of people.  What I would like to say is YOU GO GIRL, RENEW YOUR MIND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW!  You will look, feel, act, and be better. 

My favorite motto is: If you know better you will do better. 

During this holiday season, I pray that we all take some time to look within ourselves and see if some renewing needs to take place.  Think about how we can be better not only to ourselves but to others.  You will be happy that you did. 

Renewing your mind will also free you from bondage that may have held you captive for a long time.  Its time to let it all go.

Peace and Blessings


  1. WOW!!!! Slap me running. Just the word I needed to hear. I truly need, and vow to renew my mind. Take this clutter that has been consuming my mind for too long, and transform it into something God can use. Thank you sis.

    (wouldn't let me post from my google)

  2. Not slap you running LOL!!!! Alrighty then lets get it in!

  3. Renewing my mind was the first step in this process. Someone very unexpected has noticed the changes. Thanks Dena for blogging about my transformation. I'm not done.

  4. Meredith, I can't wait til 6 months from now when we sit down and talk about the then, now, and future. It will be ALL GOOD.

  5. I would also like to add when people notice the renewing in you, the transformation of you, they will begin to treat you differently. The differently will be better because you are better. I really like that part! Yes, Yes

  6. I can't wait either! 6 months from now!!!
    Meredith (transforming)
