Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hopeless to Hope

There is a song that says, they say I’m hopeless like a penny with a hole in it.  Hopeless…hmmm…yes, I have been hopeless. I’ve been hopeless just as recent as… well recent. Being hopeless is not having that feeling of expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen.

So, what makes us hopeless? For me it can be my ongoing battle with impatience. See, there are times that I want what I want when I want it and even more how I want it. Just writing that down makes me cringe but it’s true. I have flesh. See, when things do not happen in that “my” time that I have set; I lose hope. I begin to feel that it will never happen. Or, I feel that it was never suppose to happen for a sinner like me – that’s a different story.

But the Word of God says a lot about hope. There are many, stories in the Bible full of hope. In Psalm 31 David speaks about hope. Psalm 31: 24 Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart, All you who hope in the Lord.

If I’m going to put the Word of God to practice in my life, then I have to know that I’m not hopeless. I have to know that I shouldn’t feel hopeless for God is strengthening me as my hope is in Him. Therefore, I will choose to wait on God to give me the best in His timing which is far greater than my timing. Having hope is to be expectant. Having hope in God is knowing that He can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I could ask or think.

Today live hopeful! Live expecting God to do mighty things in and through you. Live knowing that when you become hopeless, that your it – whatever your it may be- is never going to happen for you, but remember BE OF GOOD COURAGE, AND HE SHALL STRENGTHEN YOUR HEART, ALL YOU WHO HOPE IN THE LORD. Keep your hope in Him and He will see you through.

From my heart to yours. Encouraging myself while I encourage you.


  1. What a great and timely word. Recently, I've noticed that I have placed my hope in things rather than the King of Kings. This is confirmation, that when we hope in Him, we will NEVER be disappointed.

  2. And I have put my hope in people. I can see at times when God causes certain things not to come to fruitation at certain times so I won't give glory to the person. Glory to God for restoring hope and keeping our focus on Him.

  3. A mighty word sister. I think we all fall guilty of wanting what we want when we won't it, and when that doesn't happen we began to lose hope in ourselves, in others, and sometimes in God. Thnk you for the word.
