Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ain't it funny?!

I got a call from my mom this morning iquiring about a day procedure I'm having next week on my back.  She wanted to know the time so she can request to be off from work.  See, this procedure will require me to have 24 hour care afterwards as I must lay down the entire time except to potty and eat.

When I hung up the phone with my mom I got a little sad.  I said Lord, I should have a husband to help me in times like this!  My mother, sister, or aunt (who have all volunteered to step in and who all have husbands to tend to by the way) should not have to alter their plans to babysit me.  Ain't it funny when we tell the Lord what we SHOULD have at that given moment?

At that moment, something struck me...its called the Holy Spirit.  This is what the Spirit said to me..."LaDena you had a husband.  Times got a little rough with you and your husband and you rushed to kick him to the curb.  You never went to the Father for help.  You chose to listen to your friends instead of trusting in the Almighty One. Therefore, you had to be taught a lesson."  Then I cried.

Ain't it funny how God can give us something then we don't appreciate it, don't treat it well, don't love it properly, only to have it snatched away.  Then days, months, years later we go to telling God what we SHOULD have when all we can do now is rest and wait in the power of the Father.

I thank you God for maturing me to see the funny in my past...Lord help us all!


  1. He knows the reason for all, sis! Just keep learning from his lessons and be humbled, he'll take care of the rest!

  2. For me right now it is all about growing in the Lord. Learning to trust Him, seek Him, listen to Him. Learning to love and appreciate those things/people He do bless me with.

  3. I'm just glad He doesn't hold our past against us. He still has a plan for you and how much better you'll be for whatever (whoever) it is He has for you. He is the God of 2nd...and 3rd....and however many chances it takes to get us where He wants us to be. Thank You Lord for YOU ARE TRULY AN AWESOME GOD!!!

  4. Yes ma'am Shon because I know I have had so many chances...WHEW...Yes, He is an Awesome God.

  5. Now LaDena......Grrrl, you done up and done it with this post! I love it! The Holy Spirit is the key to all our situations. His grace and mercy toward us is unreal. We are his children and he knows the desires of our heart without us having to tell him. If we can just learn to make him our lover first, if we can learn to romance him for a change, our eyes would open up to the blessings that he has stored for us all along. Lord if we can just touch the hem of your garment! Lord we know that everything is going to be alright. LaDena bathe in his word girl, then sit back and enjoy your blessings.

  6. This is from a friend of mine that couldn't post so I decided to do it for her.

    Hey LaDena. Been trying to submit a post since 11ish and keep losing it or it won't post. I want to deposit words of encouragement into your spirit. I got so much from what you wrote. Your first statement was you received a call from your mother inquiring. The next was your mother, sister and aunt ALL volunteered. Look at those words: received, inquired, volunteered. I say look at God making provision for you--God takes care of His children. You say "they shouldn't have to" but what I see is they want to. There are those who wish they had a mother sister or aunt as a support system--i for one can say I've never had that! But look at the blessings of God as Proverbs 10:22 reads they maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. So don't look back at what was look ahead to what is. Your better days are ahead of you. Remember Lot's wife? Walking forwards but looking backwards. Keep looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Keep seeking God. Put Him first and love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Delight yourself in Him and He'll give you the desires of your heart. God has a plan for us and its good to bring us to an expected end. When we submit to His will, His desires for our lives become our desires. Thus when we pray we're sending back to God what He's placed in our hearts to desire and we know He's not a man that He would lie. His word won't return void but will accomplish what he sent it to do. But how do I really know your better days are ahead? Simply this: eyes have not seen nor ears heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love him! Keep looking forward with expectation! Love you with the love of Christ. Belinda

  7. SIS... OHHH YOU HIT ME IN THE GUT WITH THIS ONE!!!!...U gotta b talk to me.... How funny that I was just going threw the same thing. And He the Spirit touch my heart and He the Father said lil girl go home anf then He the Son allowed me to Forgive... I think that is the most hardest thing to do is forgive. And just like you listening to "Church Folks" talking everybody about how tired of this and tired of that I was feeling low. No I see if I felt that low in the first place AI should have Drop down to my knees and start praying. Should Have---- Could Have---- Would Have----W H A T E V E R !!!!. So you keep praying for that husband and It may not come in the package you would like.... or even the person u Should b that one.. But it Could be... Then if he cant accept YOU at your worse than the absolutely dont deserve u at you best.... luv u sis

  8. You have grown soooo much and I am so happy to be a part of that growth. I cant wait to see the jewels God has for you in the near future. I know you will take care of them. I love you and will continue to pray for you and your future husband as he prepares him for you. Praise the Lord he is a God of second chances. Keep trusting and following him. Love you like a sister
