Monday, April 4, 2011


I was once told that tears are to cleanse the soul.  You cry for the born and the dead.  You cry for the newlywed and the newly divorced.  You cry for the lost and those found.  You cry for the happy and the sad.  Cry, cry, cry!

In the last couple of months, it seems that crying has been a normal part of my life.  Things were up one minute and to the ground the next.  Oh my what was going on?  I would sit in my car before starting it up and cry, cry, cry then begin my day.  Once home in the evenings, I would sit on the toilet and cry, cry, cry.  Now after all this crying my soul should be the cleanest soul on Earth!

Just yesterday I wanted to let out a big ole storm of tears, but OMG nothing would come out.  My insides were rattling, my core shaken but no tears.  Where are the tears now?  Am I all cried out?  Am I so clean that I can't cry when I want to?  I even pleaded with myself, "Would you just cry and get it over with!" But no tears. 

Oh well, I know they will come when needed the most.  I am not afraid of crying.  I am not afraid of cleaning my soul....are you?


  1. Love it!! Also think of tears as another way of communicating with the Holy Spirit and our Heavenly Father...

  2. I love this blog! Crying is always good for the soul. There is nothing wrong with it. Just like Jamie said, crying is a way of communicating with God. When you're at a lost for words and you can't seem to find anything else to say, crying is your form of communication. Cry on beautiful woman of God!

  3. The power of prayer is like WOW! Speak God's word thru your tears. Or just simply say JESUS! The comfort & peace of the Holy Spirit will begin to consume you. Every time you cry..PRAY and watch those tears of sorrow lead you to rejoice in the Lord!

  4. Dena, I have found that I am in this very place myself this month. You have put into words what I have not been able to understand. Thank you for this reminder that it is indeed ok to cry when I am both up and down. Both occassions are very healing to the soul.
