Friday, April 8, 2011

Being Prepared

What really prepares you for what life will bring & offer?  Is it the family environment you were reared in?  Is it the education you received? Is it the social culture you hung in?

In my life, I have had to pull from all of these.  There were times when family values pulled me through.  Having to remember that I was taught morals & values; that I was taught to put & keep God first; and that I do have a choice in life, its up to me which way I want to go.

Then there is education.  Education has proved to be very vital in everything In do.  Without it, I just don't see individuals going very far in today's life.  I stress to my kids daily...please, please get an education especially higher education.

Now my social culture taught me what I call "street sense."  Yeah baby, I have that street knowledge that has helped me to survive on the rough streets of South Oak Cliff, Texas.  This street knowledge has powered me to teach my kids some things that structured education just can't give them.  With my social culture knowledge, I know I can make it through these tough economic times with some cutbacks and some parties in the living room instead of going out.  See in my social culture we have been "making" it for so long that some of the things we are going through now is just another day and as a family we pull together.  Like my good ole Uncle Buster would say, "If we can't do anything else, we gone eat!"  Praise God for that.

So what prepares you for life?  Are you ready?

I thank my family, teachers, pastors, & friends for helping to prepare me.

1 comment:

  1. So many factors help prepare in life. First and for most is my Lord and savior, I'm so thankful for his grace and mercy. He loves me in my darkest hour and that is a wonderful thing to have. Second, is my family and friends that are a foundation in my life.
