Monday, June 6, 2011


As a family we have a women's bible study.  For the next couple of months we will be studying from a book written by Priscilla Shirer titled Discerning the Voice of God How to Recognize when God Speaks.

When my aunt presented this book to us, I was like okay I got this.  This will be easy.  NOT!  Listening is an art.  Listening is something we have to really concentrate on. 

What I have found out is that during the time I am suppose to be quiet and listening, my mind is racing with a thousand thoughts and those thoughts are not God.  I have a tendency to sit quiet, but I don't make my mind be quiet.  I let it go on and on and on.  All kinds of things be rushing through my mind and I would at times forget what I was suppose to be doing...Listening!

As a young girl I would argue a lot with my mother.  She would say, "Dena you don't listen." Of course, I would shout back that I do and that she just don't understand.  I really just had to have the last word but that's another story.  As I have grown, I now know that "Dena just didn't listen!" 

God can speak to us in so many ways.  It can be the mother talking to the child.  It can be the soft whisper of the bird chirping.  It can be the calming feeling in your spirit.  We just have to listen and receive.  Learning to block everything out can be hard.  It started out being a really difficult thing for me but as the days go on it is getting easier.  Hearing God speak to you is a wonderful, wonderful feeling.  It can bring a feeling to you that surely will leave you feeling glorious!

Are you listening or are you just sitting there?  Open up your ears, turn off the outside for a few minutes and listen.  You may be surprised by what you hear!

May God continue to bless us.

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful to hear the voice of our heavenly father!!
