Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I have gone through my share of friends in my lifetime.  Some have stuck around for the long haul, some left as soon as the heat got turned up but through it all I have learned that a girl need friends.  Not just any friend but a Real friend.

Friends should first of all show their self friendly before being a friend.  You have to know how to treat others if you want to get the same in return.  I do my best to be good to others because I know that I will need someone to be good to me.

I have friends that are trustworthy and geniune.  I have friends that I can call on and say, "girl we need to pray now!"  and just like that we are praying.  I have friends that I can call and say, "I need to scream" and just like that they are listening to me scream.  Yes, indeed, friends are needed.

A friend can be your sister, mother, aunt, co-worker, daughter, or whoever you have formed that bond with.  In a lot of cases it can be a man.  I do have some good male friends as well, but a lot of times they don't soothe me like my girl friends can.

Then you have those "bad" friends that are just there dumping whatever unhealthy nonsense they can dump.  Those are the ones that should be weeded out of your life.  If that friendship is not a healthy one (even healthy ones have  problems but not deadly, poisonous problems) then weed it right on out of your life.  One thing I have learned is that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.  Everyone is not meant to be there forever wrecking havoc.

I thank God for teaching me the real meaning of being a friend and placing the right friends in my life.  If I didn't have these friends, who could I scream, cry, and laugh with all in the same conversation.  Thank you friends.

What about you?  Do you have healthy friends?  Are you showing yourself friendly?  Or just maybe its time to do some weeding so you can move on to more healthier enjoyment.

May God continue to bless us all!

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