Sunday, June 19, 2011


June 22nd is quickly approaching.  That is the day of my back surgery.  All days have been fine for me until, WAM, BAM this morning.  I don't know what happened, I don't know why it is happening now but I am a bundle of nerves.  Fear has set in.

As I type this my fingers are shaking and my stomach is rumbling.  I'm truly praying that it is the three (3) cups of coffee I have had this morning.  Lord Jesus please let that be it!

Now where did this fear come from is my question?  I wasn't afraid when I made the decision to go through with the surgery?  All I could focus on was getting better and stopping the pain that has encompassed me years. 

Me and my prayer warriors(I have a team of prayer warriors that get down with it) have prayed over the doctor and the entire staff at the hospital; I believe in the power of prayer so that shouldn't be the source of my fear. 

I have asked God to remove all negativity and naysayers from my atmosphere; there have been some that had nothing good to say...geesh.  So what is wrong with my nerves????  Is this normal?  Sometimes I wonder if I'm normal but that is another blog..hahahaha

So, my HALO (Humble and Loving Others) family, help me!  Help me to answer these questions.  My mind wondered to the famous quote given by FD Roosevelt during his inaugural speech...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Then the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear, 2 Timothy 1:7; For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of sound mind. 

Pray for the sister(me) whose mind is in a thousand places this morning.  Be Blessed and may God continue to Bless us all.

1 comment:

  1. The comment below comes from my auntie, Debra Kay, one of my mighty prayer warriors...she has yet to learn how to post a comment so she sends them to me via email...i just had to put this one on here..

    This is awesome. Thanks for allowing us inside your heart. The scripture the Lord gave you must be believed. Speak it out loud all day and tell Satan to get behind you and claim that scripture as yours. Stop focusing on the FEAR and stay focus on GOD's POWER and the Sound Mind he has given you. We can do this together. I'm praying for you now
