Monday, June 6, 2011

Journey to a better back

Soon I will be having back surgery.  I have had problems with my back for a long time now and it is time.  I plan to blog about this journey because everyday seems to bring on something new. 

This past Saturday, after being off my meds for one day, the pain hit me so hard I wanted to cut my right leg off.  All I could do was walk and pray, pray and walk.  (I have to be off the pain meds for 2 weeks prior to surgery.  This will decrease the risk of bleeding or something like that I am not the doctor just following orders.)

Anywhoo, on Saturday I realized that this 2 week journey without pain meds will surely make me rely on God.  I'm sure to be having many conversations with Him about me and how He can take this pain from me.  I also believe this will be a great time for me to really get this listening for Gods voice mastered. (See prior blog) 

So knowing that God is going to get the glory out of all of this is making me feel better already.  Stay tuned.

May God continue to bless us all!

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